The Joint Congressional Inquiry (JCI)

  1. The Committee
    1. A Background of Problems  (printable PDF)
    2. Members and staff
    3. Significant insiders
      Bob Graham & Porter Goss (chairmen), L. Britt Snider (staff director)

  2. The Report
    1. The Full Unclassified 2002 Report  (PDF, 858pp, 5.8MB; not including the 28 pages)
      (local PDF)
    2. Table of Contents of the above  (PDF)
    3. Relevant parts of the report
      1. The Forward
      2. Table of Contents  (PDF)
      3. Intro to Part Four  (the 28-pages section)
      4. The 28 Pages  (images)
    4. Classification history and issues

  3. Related Information
    1. Report of the FBI's 9/11 Review Commission  (March, 2015)
      (local PDF)

Page updated: 15 June 2016